Masjid Al-Islam (DC) presents…
A Fundraising Luncheon
for the Grand Opening of
Sunday, January 31, 2010
12:30 - 3:00 pm
Speaker: Imam Abdul Alim Musa – “The De-Israelization of the Islamic Movement in North America”
Masjid Al-Islam / 4603 Benning Road SE / Washington, DC 20019
For further information, call: 202.904.1152
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For decades, the Muslim community inside the U.S. and Canada—as well as the global Islamic movement—has faced many challenges as well as opportunities.A Fundraising Luncheon
for the Grand Opening of
Sunday, January 31, 2010
12:30 - 3:00 pm
Speaker: Imam Abdul Alim Musa – “The De-Israelization of the Islamic Movement in North America”
Masjid Al-Islam / 4603 Benning Road SE / Washington, DC 20019
For further information, call: 202.904.1152
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Every waking day, a new threatening Muslim-made plot seems to emerge and present itself in the Western media. One can barely watch the news without hearing about the newest threat posed by some previously-unheard-of group of crazed, fanatical “jihadists” who hope to undermine the civilized world (i.e. America and Europe) and re-establish a global Caliphate based on barbarianism.
We at Masjid Al-Islam are sick and tired of these bogus threats and news reports. We are sick and tired of the FBI, CIA, Mossad (Israeli intelligence), and RAW (Indian intelligence) working together to manufacture a fake Muslim “boogey-man” in order to justify their war on Islam. Meanwhile, our big Islamic organizations take these news reports at face value and apologize for threats and possible atrocities without any investigation.
“O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done.” (al Hujurat, 49:6)
Allah (swt) tells us to investigate news. If a crime is reported, we must ascertain the following:
• The motive for the crime – Who benefits?
• Who had the ability to carry it out?
• Who has a history of this behavior pattern/mode of operation?
In each and every case, after careful thinking and investigation, you’ll find that it is the Mossad, CIA, and FBI scheming, staging secretive operations, bombing and killing innocent people, and then blaming these attacks on Muslims in order to give Islam a bad name and justify their continued murder and occupation of Muslim peoples and lands.
We have spoken out in rallies, demonstrations, protests, and in our writings for over 30 years now. We have warned the Muslims about the inevitable war that would be waged by the enemies of Islam. We have pleaded with the big Muslim organizations to stand up for themselves; yet the more they are set up and attacked, the more defensive they become.
Put simply, help the new Islamic Institute for Counter Zionist American Psychological Warfare. We are in the final stages of converting our original, modest masjid into a place of research, creative thinking, and strategic planning and work. Our immediate needs and expenses include: equipment and software for high-quality video recording, editing, and duplication; equipment for massive copying and printing; and voluntary staff allowances. Support us! For your privacy and safety, purchase a postal money order and send it to: Masjid Al-Islam / 4603 Benning Road SE / Washington, DC 20019 (please consider donating in the amount of $5,000, $1,000, $500, $250, or $100). Whatever you send, we pledge to use it—as we have in the past—in a judicious manner.
The U.S. has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and killed and wounded hundreds of thousands of Muslim women, children, and men; they have sent high-tech missiles to destabilize the whole of Pakistan; yet they call us “terrorists”. They must be killing us to make way for democracy. Gaza lies in rubble. The world watches as the only “democracy” in the Middle East starves our people to death. Kashmir has been occupied for over 60 years by the world’s biggest “democracy” (India), yet the Kashmiris are labeled as terrorists.
Help us develop this world class organization in Southeast Washington, DC! It is all for you!